Elizabethan Ruby Ring
(SDLG# ITIMP12-27)
2021 - Reeder - Tetraploid
Insider Trading x Implausibility
38" scape- 5" flower - 3 branches - 13 buds
Midseason - Semi-evergreen - Rebloom
Dark ruby red with darker garnet band above green to chartreuse to yellow throat extending into the midrib.
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Elizabethan Ruby Ring is named for the famous Chequers Ring, which was owned and worn by Elizabeth Tudor. A mother of pearl ring set with gold and rubies, containing a locket with a portrait of Elizabeth and another woman, often thought to be her mother, Anne Boleyn. On the outer surface of the locket is the letter 'E' in diamonds and 'R' in blue enamel. The 'E' for Elizabeth and the 'R' for Regina (Latin for 'queen').
Elizabethan Ruby Ring showing the deep, rich red color with chartreuse to golden throat with slightly darker throat and slightly lighter midribs. The petals often have a thin near-white edge and the lighter petal backs can role forward making the edge appear even bigger. Below, the original Chequers Ring, owned by Elizabeth Tudor.
The deep ruby red coloring is a "blue" red with no orange tones. It is an extremely clear color and passes fine color clarity to its seedlings. There are fine color genes on both sides of the ancestry. Insider Trading, descending from David Kirchhoff's renowned red lines, and Implausibility, with one parent Ed Murray, famous for its rich, jewel-toned coloring. In Elizabethan Ruby Ring, we see those lineages come together in a truly, finely colored flower.
Elizabethan Ruby Ring in Robert Anderson's Oregon garden